As an employer, you are in the best position to identify the skills your business needs, or areas where you are having difficulty finding workers with the right skills.
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant program offers funding towards the cost of training provided by eligible third-party trainers such as Crossroads Barrie. The total cost of training will be shared by the government and the employers.
The government could provide two-thirds of the cost of training, up to a maximum of $10,000 per grant. Employers will be required to contribute the remaining one-third of the training costs.
For Example: Company ABC has an opening for a Long-Haul Truck Driver. Patrick, a long-time employee, is selected for this position but requires training in commercial driving. The cost of the training is say $9,900. Company ABC applies for the grant and receives commitment from the government for $6,600. Company ABC commits to paying the balance of $3,300. Patrick gets the driver training he needs for the new job and Company ABC gets the right person with the right skills.
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant provides funding for training programs offered by CROSSROADS Truck Training Academy, a Registered Private Career College, among others.
Training takes place in both the classroom and in-cab by qualified, experienced instructors.
Eligible driver training courses offered by CROSSROADS Barrie include AZ (tractor trailer), DZ (straight truck), and BZ (city and county buses).
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant funds provide these training costs:
Any business, including not-for-profits, with a plan to train Canadians for a new or better job is eligible to apply.
Canada-Ontario Job Grant Calculator
Canada-Ontario Job Grant Program